Part 33: Episode XXVII: Practice My Whistling

You know how we just had that lengthy tutorial on blitzball? Well, Square decided to be all avant-garde with their tutorial presentation by sticking a thirty minute block of decidedly non-blitzball gameplay between the tutorial and the actual game.
Tidus walks forward a few steps and runs into...

Tidus leaves the two Al Bhed and continues down the corridor...

Music: Luca

Welcome to the central lobby of Luca's blitzball stadium. It is patrolled day and night by Luca's finest. I'm not sure how Luca's finest patrols with hats obscuring 90% of their field of vision or what purpose assorted screwdrivers serve in lieu of front breast pocket. But I am assured that they are indeed the finest security guards in all of Spira.

Most of the lobby is on lockdown due to the whole blitzball tournament thing. But we can run to the other end of the upper level to reach the second set of locker rooms with the popular teams.

There isn't much going on here other than fans waiting to see the ever popular Luca Goers alongside some brooding Kilika Beasts. Did you see the one guy on that team with an eyepatch? No depth perception in an underwater ball game? That guy is fuckin' hardcore as they come.

Speaking of which, on the ground right behind the Kilika Beasts is our sixth Al Bhed Primer. Today we learn [V = F] Wepocyom!

In this room we also see our first Ronso woman. It is just as terrifying as you might imagine.

Returning to the main lobby, we can see the mini-map urges Tidus' spastic jogging to carry him toward the south. Doing so will progress the game. We'll get to that in a minute.

Instead, we can have our plucky hero capitalize on the commotion caused by the blitzball tournament in order to perform a staple of any JRPG protagonist's touring of a new town...

Robbing the place BLIND while nobody is looking. And if they are looking, it's not like they are going to try to stop us. Pfft... NPC peasants.
At the assorted docks surrounding the blitzball stadium, Tidus can loot:
- 600 Gil
- Phoenix Down x 2
- Tidal Spear - A weapon for Kimahri with Waterstrike and Piercing (ignores armored enemies' defenses) abilities. Not bad.
- HP Sphere - Turns an empty space into +300 HP node.
- Magic Sphere - Turns an empty space into +4 Magic node.
We could come back and get this loot later. But hey. We're in the area. It's not like there's any rush. Though I do feel like we may be forgetting something...

Right then. With pockets full of fresh ill begotten treasure, we're free to travel south toward Luca proper in hopes of getting Auron back in the party. Sounds like a plan!
A quick gallop southward...

I need to start some sort of stretch/yawn counter for Tidus. You just jogged around the largest sporting stadium on the planet, guy. You shouldn't be acting like you just rolled out of bed.

A bit further ahead we find Yuna and Kimahri has accumulated a bit of a crowd while Tidus was dicking around. Poor Kimahri always looks so bummed out and bored with standing around getting ignored whenever Yuna gains a band of admirers. He needs a fantasy iPod or the like to pass the time.

Tidus runs over to Yuna...

See this screenshot? Exactly one second passes between this and the next shot. In that time Tidus manages to see something shiny and float off in a completely different direction. And Kimahri just straight it falls into a wormhole between cuts. This portion of the game is not particularly well edited..

Tidus walks over to Yuna, of who he is clearly only about three feet away from... Meaning either Yuna really needs to get fitted for some glasses or Tidus is just a spaz whistling in people's faces.
It's probably a combination of the two... Regardless, they proceed to have a conversation where the voice actors were directed to pretend they had their fingers in their mouths... but not actually shown a video of the scene for reference to when said fingers ought to be placed in their mouths.

Yuna tries once more and fails. As per friendship tradition, Tidus is now obligated to ask everyone else he knows if they can whistle and then mock the ones who cannot.

Yuna Chambers is now following Tidus around for the next leg of the adventure. Nobody seems too concerned about Kimahri's disappearance, though.

Anyway, the mini-map now wants us to head east. But we're going to ignore it again for another detour to the north of this map.

Here we find a grand, impressive looking building. On the outside, at least. The inside holds architect technology and mechanics of a game clearly made before high speed internet was a widespread thing.

For you see, this is the Luca Sphere Theater - a magical place where Youtube has yet to exist and the player was instead forced to spend extravagant amounts of money for the privilege of listening to tracks from the OST or rewatch scenes from FMV Land. How much are we talking here...?

Well, special spheres are sold by two fantasy midgets hanging out in the lobby of the Sphere Theater. One sells Music Spheres and the other Movie Spheres. Buying one of either media sphere will unlock an FMV/music track. So how much would these things set us back, were we so inclined to purchase 'em? Well, both music and FMV unlock as the game progresses.

We've heard 27 tracks from the game's OST. Music spheres are a mere...2000 GIL a pop. So that is 54,000 Gil for everything we've heard thus far and a mere 136,000 to catch 'em all. And if you are wondering, Music Spheres unlock tracks sequentially. You cannot cherry pick the good stuff. In addition, Square had an intern give names to all the tracks instead of keeping the naming consistent with the OST.
The tracks unlocked at present are...
- Zanarkand
- Prelude
- Tidus' Theme
- Run!!
- Creep
- Battle Theme
- Enemy Attack
- Game Over
- Out of the Frying Pan
- Victory Fanfare
- Leap in the Dark
- Underwater Ruins
- The Blitzers
- Wandering
- Besaid
- Spira Unplugged
- Phantoms
- The Trials
- The Summoning
- Braska's Daughter
- Yuna's Theme
- Good Night
- Decision on the Dock
- Movement in Green
- A Fleeting Dream
- Calm Before the Storm
- Face-Off
Edit: So here's a obscure bit of shit I never knew about this game. Wakka has his own theme music. It NEVER plays during the course of the game and isn't even on the game's OST. It only can be heard if you purchase it in the Luca Sphere Theater. And remember, you cannot choose which music tracks you can unlock. They are just unlocked sequentially for 2000 gil a pop.
Which track is Wakka's Theme? Why the VERY last one, of course. Music Sphere #71. It gets better though! Music Spheres #69, #70, and #71 are part of a "Special Music Set" package deal which is only a mere... 40,000 gil.
TLDR: Wakka's Theme costs fucking 176,000 gil to hear.

Music: Wakka's Theme
The other two "Special Music Set" tracks are Tidus humming the Hymn of the Fayth as a kid and Lulu's Theme that only plays once in an entirely optional quest.

On the other side of the coin, we have Movie Spheres at 5000 GIL each. We have 15 FMVs unlocked out of a total of 50 in the game. So only 250,000 Gil for all of those. Making a grand total of 386,000 Gil to unlock all the media in the game.

All that said, the world has changed a bit in the last decade and this feature will proceed to collect cob webs forevermore. Unless they put some kind of trophy/achievement for unlocking everything in Final Fantasy X HD...

And that's a wrap for the Sphere Theater. The real reason we came here was to nab the second Al Bhed Primer in Luca. Today's lesson: [K = G] Pyhyhyc!

Tidus also leveled up to the next rank of fantasy language comprehension. Spiffy. I'm guessing he still is unable to strike up a conversation with those Al Bhed Psyche characters. Or take heed of the funny way they're eyeballing Yuna.

Now that we've squared away that optional relic of a locale, we're free to explore the rest of Luca. And by "explore" I mean proceed to the only other map in the entire city.
A power walk into town later...

Whoa! Yikes! When did Kimahri drop back out of the wormhole...?

Oh... right... Auron. We were supposed to be finding him, weren't we...? This town square is literally all there is to Luca proper and most of it is closed up due to the blitzball tourney.

So for a change, let's just go ahead and follow the mini-map marker to our next set of cutscenes.

So a blitzball player, a lady summoner, and a furry walk into a bar...
Yuna starts asking the patrons if they've seen a middle-aged samurai in the area while Tidus sulks by himself for a time...

After a bit of dicking around the dive a commotion followed by gasps is heard coming from the other end of the cafe...

New Music: People of the North Pole (Recommended listening! Even if this is a pretty crappy place to first play one of the better songs in the game.)

It appears all of Kimahri's haphazard teleporting into and out of areas and cutscenes has landed our big blue friend in hot water with a couple of Ronsos wanting to pump him up...
Tidus wanders over to Kimahri's side...

Kimahri proceeds to knock Yenke the FUCK out. Man, why didn't anyone tell me there would be drunken bar brawls between giant Scandinavian cat dudes? I'd have made the trip here much sooner.

Kimahri gets sucker punched by the remaining Ronso. But who cares about that nonsense? We're missing the opening of the biggest game in Spira! By the way, I want you to pay attention to all the scenes that are coming up and calculate in your head how much time Tidus needs to have been standing around slack-jawed looking at the bar television going "oh no!" for him to have viewed all of the events.

Maester Mika performs the blitzball prayer...

Music: Blitzball Gamblers

Spira seems to have a slightly less impressive way of filling its massive water sphere for the game. You know, it most be kind of hard to watch a sport taking place entirely within a three story tall rippling ball of water mid-day with the sun beaming down on it...

In any case, the blitzball tournament all day event has finally begun... without Tidus since he's still back in that bar watching TV even after viewing a speech, the twenty minutes or so it must take to shoot jets of water into a huge invisible container, and everyone prepping for the kick-off. Nice going, hero!

Episode 27 Highlight Reel (Recommended Viewing)

Luca Concept Art

Yenke Ronso Official Art

Biran Ronso Official Art